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Kasich Nails Trump’s Foreign Policy With This One Simple Tweet

the white house.
Photo by Srikanta H. U on Unsplash

Yesterday John Kasich proved yet again that he is the Republican candidate with the most substantive foreign policy credentials to lead the White House, a direct contrast to challenger Donald Trump. A member of the U.S. House Armed Services for 18 years, Kasich was a reliable supporter of former President Ronald Reagan (while Trump bought a full-page ad denouncing Reagan on foreign policy) and fought for the Goldwater-Nichols efforts in a post-Cold War world.

Contrast his substantive resume with the foreign policy of Donald Trump, which is nonexistent, and Trump lacks an experienced bench to knowledgeably execute his foreign policy vision, which so far has been inconsistent and muddled. Trump has said that his top foreign policy adviser is himself. But on Monday, Trump finally named a few other members of his team of foreign policy advisers in a meeting with The Washington Post‘s editorial board.

The five names he provided for his advisory team are inexperienced and with no policymaking track records. In fact, as Missy Ryan points out, one of Trump’s foreign policy advisers is a 2009 college grad who lists Model UN as a credential.

In response, Kasich Tweeted a four-page list of foreign policy heavyweights advising him:

Kasich has denounced what he has called the “on-the-job training in national security” of President Obama, whose experience was limited, and resulted in Mideast chaos, a flawed Iran nuclear deal, a newly-emboldened Russia and China and alienated allies, including Israel, and the strengthening of the Cuban communist regime. We don’t need another president who would treat foreign policy as an internship training experience.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Gloone

    March 22, 2016 at 11:53 am

    If #NeverTrump was really a movement based on principle, it would have been nice to see them rally around Kasich (not CRUZ). Kasich is the only one who can beat Hillary in the general election and this seems to be the first big crack in Trump’s fragile rhetoric, but now it’s too little too late.

    It took the GOP and the other candidates to long to take Trump seriously and hit at his weak positions. Plus, for a party who boasts free-trade and capitalism, they failed to apply any type of retail political strategy to the candidates. If you don’t know what that is, I will explain.

    If a consumer goes to a store somewhere, and they are presented with many different types of products, they will have a hard time choosing which one is right for them. When you have 15+ candidates and everyone kind of likes a little about all of them, but it’s not enough to make a decision then they will be fail to rally behind the one they may like most because they are unsure. That was the first major problem in my opinion and is where the GOP shot themselves in the foot by claiming to be a more diverse party.

    It gave the two outsiders an easy opening and a straight path to the mess Republicans have now. Two front runners who, because of being outspoken against “the establishment and career politicians”, has become the most divisive and least diverse party I have ever seen in my life.

    I still give Kasich credit though. Even though he doesn’t have chance. Would have been nice to see him get more support, but that support has been lost with everything that has taken place since Super Tuesday and caused to much chaos and panic within the party. There will be no viable third party
    option now either. Since #NeverTrump and Romney are backing Cruz.

    I’m not real sure who advises any of these people, but I bet they are like Trump and get their opinions from News.

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